Sep 30, 2018
On this classic episode of the Road Stories podcast! Comedians Betsy Salkind and fresh off her ass kicking run on America's Got Talent, Vicki Barbolak discuss lfe on the road.
Sep 23, 2018
Murray discusses life on the road as a comedian versus life on the as a musician with comedian, Laura House and musician Brian Swartz. Also... we discuss M*A*S*H.
Sep 16, 2018
What's it like starting to do stand up in Texas? Cristela Alonzo and Steve Halasz join Murray for an hour of laughs and stories... And Murray meets Steve for the 5th time!
Sep 9, 2018
Becky Robinson and Ken Garr drop by the studio to talk about the tough comedy scene in the woods of Tigard, OR... population 51,902... well, 59,901 since Becky left.
Sep 2, 2018
Jeff Capri and Bob Kubota stop by the studio to discuss performing for the troops, magic and ... I throw in a Star Wars theory, because I can!!!