Oct 29, 2012
Murray Valeriano welcomes comedians, Jay Larson and Ryan Sickler, to the show. They discuss merching, sybling abuse and comedy during the daylight.
Oct 22, 2012
Murray Valeriano welcomes Pat Ney, John Cardinale and Mark Agee to discuss the finer points of comedy... and weed.
Oct 15, 2012
Murray Valeriano welcomes Lachlan Patterson, Ali Breen and Matt Knudsen to talk about getting high before shows and... gulp, sports.
Oct 9, 2012
Murray Valeriano discusses Ireland, crowd work and a little drinking with Moshe Kasher, Kyle Kinane and Matt Braunger.
Oct 7, 2012
Murray Valeriano welcomes comedians Mo Mandel, Bil Dwyer and Paul Morrissey to discuss hosting, condos and other things somewhat related to the road.