May 26, 2014
The mighty Bert Kreischer and Matt Fulchiron work together a lot, so why not have them both on this week's episode. Warning: this episode contains full frontal nudity. A lot of full frontal nudity. Almost too much full frontal nudity.
May 19, 2014
Los Angeles comedy staple and touring comedian, Shang drops by and brings his opener, the oh so young, Brandon West. I'm thrilled to have both of them on.
May 12, 2014
Florida comedian turned LA comedian, stops by to talk to Murray about an odd gig they did in Reno... It turns out, that is just the jumping off point. Sit back and grab your bodyguard, fists are flying in this episode.
May 5, 2014
Ritch Shydner and Gary Brightwell stop to talk about oepning for bands and getting stuff thrown at you while opening for said bands. This is a good one!