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For What It's Worth!

Today's top comedians talk about life on and off the road. For a mature audience with an immature sense of humor. 

Jun 25, 2017

Jeff Capri and Gary Brightwell tell stories of Amsterdam, Star Trek and military bases... there's something for the whole family on this episode! 

Jun 18, 2017

I always love when my good and probably oldest friend in comedy, Chris Franjola, drops by the Road Stories studio. Enjoy. 

Jun 11, 2017

Comedian, Bobby Collins, drops by Murray's home studio on a beautiful sunny afternoon. The two discuss comedy and opening for legendary singers such as Cher, Dolly Parton and Sinatra. Only comedians would blow off the first sunny day in weeks to sit in a room and talk about themselves. 

Jun 4, 2017

Not so fresh off their weekend gig at the La Jolla Comedy store, Kareem Matthews and Irina Skaya discuss how awesome it is to open for host, Murray Valeriano.