Jun 28, 2015
Comedy couple of the year, Marty DeRosa and Renee Gauthier stop by to discuss couples in comedy... sorry, no fights.
Jun 22, 2015
Murray welcomes Erik Marino and Brian Moses to discuss the hugely successful LA show Roast Battle.... and also why they were 40 minutes late.
Jun 15, 2015
On the road in Las Vegas, the town I love and hate. Comedian and friend, Don Barnhart, stops the hotel room to discuss military tours, the current state of comedy in Vegas... and the people by the pool. Recorded at Harrahs Improv.
Jun 8, 2015
Drake Witham and Gary Cannon stop by the Road Stories podcast studios. We discuss the hell that is Vegas, the hell that is Reno and the hell that can be performing in Iraq... and why we love every minute of it.
Jun 1, 2015
Comedians Nick Youssef and Ian Gutoskie stop by the podcast studios to discuss the crazy days of the Comedy Store, Bears and fights. This episode puts the "plicit" in explicit!