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For What It's Worth!

Today's top comedians talk about life on and off the road. For a mature audience with an immature sense of humor. 

Dec 24, 2018

Jerry Rocha join Murray to discuss highlights of 2018! CD recordings, comedy specials and surviving.

Dec 17, 2018

Whitehead and Mitch Burrow join the show and discuss performing, military, hecklers... and of course a mention of my heart surgery.

Dec 3, 2018

It only seems like a month ago that Steve Halasz and Cristela were on the show... because they were. But they stepped to fill in last minute... and it's a delight!

Nov 19, 2018

This episode was recorded at the Cranival Studios in Portland while Murray was on the road. Joined by his opener, Taylor Clark and his former opener, Amanda Arnold, they discuss the recent shows, Robbie Knievel and full contact ghosts.

Nov 12, 2018

Christian comedian... wait, scratch that. Comedian who happens to be a Christian, Andrew Stanley joins host, Murray Valeriano to discuss performing on the church circuit and the clubs... And as a Preacher's kid, this episode slowly slips into the therapy for Murray.