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For What It's Worth!

Today's top comedians talk about life on and off the road. For a mature audience with an immature sense of humor. 

Dec 21, 2015

New York transplant, Jesse Joyce stops by the studio. He tells Murray Valeriano and Ian Gutoskie stories of being a drunk road comic. 

Dec 14, 2015

The term "Guitar Comic" will send most comedy fans running for the exit. John Cardinale and Kirk Zipfel will send you running for your seats, where you will sit and and listen and laugh and realize, these 2 "guitar comics" are hilarious. 

Dec 7, 2015

Lahna Turner and Cat Rhinehart make host, Murray Valeriano get up way earlier than usual. But, it's totally worth it! These three comedians discuss tour busses, being dirty and being really dirty. This episode is for mature audiences with an immature sense of humor.

Nov 29, 2015

Jamie Lissow and Danny Villalpando hang out with Murray Valeriano in his Las Vegas hotel room. They discuss being on the road in Vegas and Jamie's ONE time he bombed. 

Nov 23, 2015

Shayma Tash and Pamela Yager visit the podcasting couch in, comedian, Murray Valeriano's hotel room in Las Vegas. Willingly